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FMI Rentals Blog


Fun Family Entertainment in Rocky Point

The bayside town known affectionately by stateside tourists as Rocky Point is actually called Puerto Peñasco, a name that almost equates exactly to its English translation. Aside from what you call it, many consider the region to be a small slice of paradise on the shores of Bahia Kino, or Kino Bay. The warm waters and gentle waves along the bay are more reminiscent of a cozy beach vacation than the cold power of the Pacific Ocean. While time spent on the beach is sure to be enjoyable, you’ll have

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3 Tips for Traveling Light in Rocky Point

Rocky Point is the place to go for seaside vacations, whether you’re only coming for one whirlwind weekend, or you’re coming to spend all of winter in the sea-salty sunlight. Either way, there are major advantages to traveling light. Here are three Rocky Point travel tips on traveling light: Tip #1: Make an Effective Packing List One of the best ways to keep your suitcase light is to make a list ahead of time and follow it strictly when you’re packing. Leave out items that you don’t really need, such

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Rocky Point Restaurants

Where to Find the Most Authentic Mexican Food in Rocky Point

For all you lovers of Mexican food out there, you’re heading on vacation to the right place! In the heart of Mexico on the sandy shores of Rocky Point, you’ll be up to your ears in delicious Mexican cuisine, with everything at your fingertips from street tacos to fine dining. Visit the options below for incredible Mexican food in Rocky Point and you won’t be disappointed! Lolita Seafood Lolita is one of the best places to grab some good old-fashioned Mexican seafood here in Rocky Point. Try the Pescado al

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Rocky Point Holidays

St. Patrick’s Day 2020 in Rocky Point

Leave your cares behind and head to Rocky Point for the holiday season! We know how to have a good time here, so coming to visit Rocky Point for St. Patrick’s Day 2020 is a wise choice, and we’ve made a handy list for you of things we love to do on this holiday: Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade Sunday, March 15, 2020 – 1:00pm You are in for a treat this year. Get your green on, because this March we’re going to be having our 70th Annual Rocky Point

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Rocky Point Activities for a Solo Traveler

Rocky Point is one of the most relaxing and most fun-filled places for a solo traveler to be. Whether you’re here for a weekend or a month, you’ll be on the hunt for ways to fill the day. Here are a few Rocky Point activities you can enjoy here while flying solo: Relax on the Beach Relaxing on the beach is an activity that anyone of all ages can enjoy on their own. Pack a lunch, bring a few beers, mix a cocktail ahead of time. Bring whatever makes you

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Stay in the Marina Pinacate Resort with FMI Rentals

The grand city of Rocky Point is awaiting your arrival. When you come to stay with us in Rocky Point, you’ll want to be staying in the beautiful Marina Pinacate Resort, where your vacation will feel like a delicious lifetime. Stay by the Seaside This resort is on the beach, which is the number one most desirable thing when visiting a city like Rocky Point, where the ocean will be calling your name every moment of the day. Enjoy breathtaking views of the sparkling sea from the up-close and personal

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Holidays in Rocky Point

Romantic Activities for Valentines 2020 in Rocky Point

One of the most romantic ways you can spend Valentine’s Day is by taking off to the seaside together. Soak up the sun, taste that fresh sea salt on the breeze, and enjoy each other’s company in our favorite town. Here are some Rocky Point activities to enjoy together for Valentine’s 2020: Relax on the Beach This is the number one most romantic way to spend Valentine’s today. There’s just something about the way the Sea of Cortez glitters in the sunlight, and the local seabirds, and the salt-breeze. Pack

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3 Easy Rocky Point Recipes to Cook in Your Vacation Rental

When you come to stay in Rocky Point, you’ll be staying in style in a gorgeous FMI Rentals vacation home. Take advantage of the comforts that come along with a rental home by utilizing your kitchen to try out some of our favorite (and super simple) Rocky Point recipes: Mango on a Stick Prep time: 30 minutes Ingredients: • Mango • Lime • Chili powder • Salt • Chopsticks Steps to Prepare: 1. This is a traditional Mexican treat that’s ridiculously easy to make and tastes delicious and refreshing. It

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Where to Find the Best Rocky Point Bars & Handcrafted Cocktails

Rocky Point has a reputation as a seaside party town, and for good reason. We know how to celebrate life here! Whether you’re coming here to party, or you’re just coming to lie around on the beach all day and soak up some sun rays, you’ll get to benefit from the culture through one of our favorite things: Rocky Point bars & handcrafted cocktails. BooBar Cantina This is one of the most popular bars in all of Rocky Point. This is the place to be if you want to go

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Rocky Point Attractions in the Winter

Since the weather here stays relatively temperate year-round, there are endless ways to spend your winter days here in Rocky Point. Gear up for a fun trip filled with lots of Rocky Point attractions and sightseeing! Here are a few of our favorite places to visit and explore during the winter months: Rocky Point Beaches The best parts about winter in Rocky Point are that the weather is wonderful, and the beaches are empty. It’s the off-season for tourists, and yet, the weather here stays warm and mild all year

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