Homes & Condo Destinations & Rentals

FMI Rentals Blog

Things to do

Winter Activities in Rocky Point

Puerto Peñasco – better known as Rocky Point in English, has a year-round sunny, warm, warmth climate no matter what time of year you need a break. Located on the shores of the Sea of Cortez in the Mexican state of Sonora, it’s the perfect winter beach paradise. Stroll the sand or take a dip in the waves or partake in any one of the exciting land and sea winter activities in Rocky Point available there. Banana Boats If you’ve ever been tubing or water skiing, you’ll love a ride

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Holidays in Rocky Point

New Year’s 2021 in Rocky Point

Feliz año nuevo to everyone who fought their way through a year that was scary and unhappy, Happy New Year’s to all who are ending the year with a positive attitude and a smile in their hearts, and to anyone who has decided to stay home this New Year’s Eve, we at FMI Rentals understand, but would like the opportunity to convince you otherwise! A New Year’s getaway south of the border promises to be the best way to show the last 12 months that you will not be bullied,

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Holidays in Rocky Point

Spend Your 2020 Christmas in Rocky Point

For those who have been feeling that 2020 will never end, we have good news for you: The end of a rough year is within sight. For those who love Christmas and wish they could celebrate every day of the year, it is time to start planning your Christmas festivities! Restrictions have been lifted, and a south of the border holiday is something that no longer has to remain in your dreams! Our FMI Rentals holiday havens are open and waiting for guests to put the heart back in Christmas,

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How to Enjoy a Thanksgiving 2020 Getaway to Rocky Point

The first year of the new decade has been one most of us would like to have a do-over on. We have social distanced, self-quarantined, and wondered if life would ever return to normal! And although we still have a long way to go, the tides seem to be turning in the right direction, and at the very least we are once more free to travel where we please. But as this new normal has changed the way we look at things, it also has changed the way we feel

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An Educational Journey to Rocky Point

Over the years we have heard variations of the phrase, “The world is my classroom,” but we are willing to bet you have never really thought too much about what it means until recently. The new decade has been a tough one for most of us, filled with big changes that have affected every aspect of our lives, but with those changes, some good has happened. We spend more time with our close family, our commutes from the bedroom to the dining room table have changed our outlook on working

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Rocky Point Things to Do

Natural Attractions In Rocky Point

The natural beauty of our favorite coastal town has long been the attraction for visitors to flock to its shores, and aside from a brief stint as a quasi-speakeasy during Capone’s time, it’s always been the sea that brings it notice. Today, travelers from all over the world fall in love with its charms: long lazy days spent at the beach, hiking trails that lead to quiet spots where it feels as if the world belongs to you, and even dormant volcanoes that bring history to the region. Wherever you

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Rocky Point

Plan a Fun Fall Rocky Point Vacation

After a tough spring and an even tougher summer, we are all ready for the next season in the line-up, and if you have a chance to getaway to celebrate the autumn equinox, why not live it up south of border? The weather is as close to perfect as it can get, the crowds have mostly headed back north, and FMI Rentals offers comfortable and stylish properties that will allow guests to beach more and worry less. Offering cooler days and warmer welcomings, your fall frolic on the Sea of

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Things to do

Historical Journey to Rocky Point

Old houses and historic monuments are much loved by travelers from all over the United States. Getting to stand in the footprints of early settlers, realizing that the view you see at this moment is the same one our forefathers stared at when contemplating what their next steps should be is an experience guaranteed to bring goosebumps to your arms. Although the United States offers an extensive history that is rich and fascinating, our neighbor to the south has its own tales to tell. And because not all visits to

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Rocky Point

Enjoy a Vacation in Rocky Point While Working Remote

For months we have been forced to stay at home, going out only to seek out food, making the daily commute from our bedroom to home office. While we are showing an improvement in the battle against COVID-19, working from home has become the new normal, a fact that most of us have not only grown used to but have begun to fall in love with! But you know what? Prepare to have your mind blown as we at FMI Rentals show you another reason to fall in love with

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Top Snorkeling Spots in Rocky Point

There is so much to see and do during your south of the border expedition to Rocky Point, both on land and on sea, that you wonder how you are going to manage to get it all done in just one trip. From shopping expeditions to beach days, you know you’re going to be busy, but if you’re looking for that something extra, why not take a look UNDER the sea? There’s an entire world of beauty and color lying just below the waters, and if you don’t take at

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