Homes & Condo Destinations & Rentals

FMI Rentals Blog


Renting ATV’s in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico

Puerto Peñasco, or Rocky Point (English translation), is among the most beautiful and relaxing places to just sit out and have a good time. Whether it be the soothing coastal weather, the gorgeous, blue waters of the Gulf of California, or the luxurious resorts and condos along the coast, Puerto Peñasco has it all to make the perfect vacation. While many guests enjoy a day at the beach, a growing trend in Puerto Peñasco is to rent out ATV’s. By renting out a four-wheeler, guests are able to explore the

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A Brief History of Puerto Penasco, Mexico

If you’re someone who likes to learn about the historical roots of the places you visit, Puerto Penasco, Mexico is a fairly new development with an exciting history. In fact, you may even want to consider traveling to the area on your next vacation. Located on the edge of the Sonora Desert, permanent settlers arrived in the area in the 1920s to fish on the harbor for totoaba, a rare fish that was used for medicine.

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Sea Turtle Lays Eggs in Sandy Beach Area

After laying eggs, turtle covers and return to sea. A group of tourists in Puerto Peñasco alerted municipal authorities on Thursday morning, July 3rd, of sea turtle who had made her way out of the Sea of Cortez and to the beach to lay eggs, before returning to the sea. The turtle appeared in front of the condo area along Sandy Beach to begin the egg laying process before then covering up the nest and returning to its natural habitat. Based on photos and video the PROFEPA inspectors will determine

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Governors Padres and Brewer to lead Sonora – Arizona Commission

Guillermo Padres, Sonora Governor, along with Arizona Governor Janice Kay Brewer will be leading the plenary session of the Sonora – Arizona Commission meeting this week in Scottsdale Az, therby strengthening the strong relationship of frienship and bussiness the two states have maintained for the past 55years. Under the themeËvolution of a Region”the agenda of the Sonora Arizona Commission to be held June 19 – 20 includes the forum: “Are you ready for the international bussiness”wich will include participation of officials and bussiness leaders from both states.

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“El Gallo de Puerto Peñasco”

El pasado Sabado 26 de Abril se hizo historia en Puerto Peñasco, el hijo prodigo Juan Francisco “El Gallo” Estrada defendio sus cinturones de campeon mundial de boxeo peso mosca avalados por la AMB y OMB ante el filipino Richie Mepranum, mas de 4,500 personas se dieron cita en el totalmente nuevo Centro de Convenciones de la ciudad para apoyar al campeon del pueblo, donde este le regalo a su aficion una catedra de boxeo derrotando al contendiente por knockout tecnico en el decimo episodio, podemos confiar en que tendremos

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President Peña Nieto Visit Puerto Peñasco

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto will visit the Pinacate Biosphere Reserve on “International Earth Day ” Enrique Peña Nieto will arrive at the International Airport of Puerto Peñasco before going to the Shuck Toak Visitors Center of the Pinacate Biosphere. The Mexican President will be accompanied by Sonora Governor Guillermo Padres, as well as Federal State, and Municipal authorities. Once at the visitors center, Peña Nieto will be giving a speech precisely on Earth Day, which he decided to celebrate at the Pinacate Reserve of Puerto Peñasco, the recently named

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Rocky Point Restaurants

Rocky Point offers a wealth of restaurants, there are options for everyone but sometimes it is hard to pick the right place for the occasion, in FMI Rentals we have given the task to make a small research about different restaurants and the specials they have during week, we hope this information will be helpful during your next vacation trip to Rocky Point.

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Oomapas to Suspend City Water March 25th & 26th

OOMAPAS the local water company, report that the water will be suspended in Puerto Peñasco March 25th & 26th in order to work on reconnection and sewage pipes along the 2 blvds currently on the renovation works.                        

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Spring Break Safety Flyer Distribution

Officials and employees from the Puerto Peñasco Comptroller office were at various spots throught the city ASaturday morning, handing out 3000 flyers to Spring Break Visitors that go over both their rights and obligations while here on vacations. In addition to a welcome message from the mayor, the pamphlet includes drivers rights as well as recommendations. There are also emergency numbers for hospitals, police agencies, the fire department and the tourist and visitors assistance office, the latter being a free service provide by Rosie Glover who is also part of

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High Expectations for Spring Break 2014

Following positive indicators of more than 20,000 visitors over the recent President’s Day weekend, the Rocky Point Convention and Visitors Bureau foresees hotel occupancy levels to top 70% during the upcoming spring break in Rocky Point. Approximately 20,000 to 25,000 people are expected to flow through Rocky Point during this year’s Spring Break period, which begins March 8th and lasts through about the 23rd. March 14th – 16th should see the highest number of visitors with students coming in from various universities across Arizona.

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