Homes & Condo Destinations & Rentals

Tips for Traveling to Mexico – Staying Safe During Your Rocky Point Trip

Rocky Point or Puerto Penasco, Mexico is a very popular vacation destination. It is very close to the Arizona border – just a three-hour drive – making it easy to get to. When in Rocky Point, you’ll have plenty of things to do and see, including beaches, shopping, and many restaurants and eateries.  Rocky Point is considered a relatively safe destination; however, as with traveling to any foreign destination, there are a few things you can do to maintain your safety.

Entering Mexico

Use only recommended border crossings. U.S. citizens traveling to the area should use the Lukeville, Arizona crossing, and it is recommended that if you are traveling by car, stay on the main highways and try to travel during the daylight hours.

Always carry your passport. You are required to show your passport upon your re-entry to the U.S. Additionally, you should make copies of your passport and keep them in a separate place. Leave your entire itinerary with friends or family at home.

Always stay with your group, and don’t share travel plans with anyone you don’t know. Also, don’t travel with any valuables. If traveling by taxi, enlist the help of a hotel or restaurant staff person to hail it for you so that you will be ensured it is an authorized cab.

Know The Laws

If you are arrested, it is possible you will remain in jail until you can prove you are innocent, so it is important to know which authorities to contact in such an emergency. You should travel with your cell phone, so make sure you have coverage before you travel. Save important contact numbers and other information such as insurance policies, credit card numbers, and hotel information. You should also have the number for the U.S. Consulate recorded.

Stay Insured

Make sure that you have insurance that is valid in Mexico. Some U.S. auto insurance is not valid out of the country. You can be arrested and jailed if you do not have valid Mexican auto insurance. It is a good idea to purchase short-term auto insurance, along with any necessary medical and travel insurance.

Be cautions when renting recreational vehicles. Some recreation vehicles may not come with the proper insurance coverage. If you incur any damage to a vehicle that is not properly covered, insured, or is underinsured, it is possible that you could be detained until you pay for the damages or any other restitution.

Consult Our Experts

At FMI Rentals, we want to provide the best service to our clients. As such, we can provide you with information and tips about staying safe in Rocky Point to make your stay the best it can be.