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Goals Of Dialysis Center Will Persist.

Continuity at the local Dialysis Center is assured as it is a project backed by an association (“Comprehensive Community Assistance Project” A.C.) rather than a city administration project per se, confirms current municipal DIF Director Samuel Ortega, from Puerto Peñasco.

The project, which is 80% toward completion (and paperwork), will not be affected by the upcoming change of city administrations to take place mid-September. This is due to the fact the Center will be operated by a Board of Directors, currently led by Rafaela Félix. Félix herself is also presently the President of the local Office on Integral Family Development (DIF).

The dialysis clinic is a comprehensive assistance project, which has received extensive support both locally and from abroad. For example, in early 2014 the Pittsburgh based Caring Hearts foundation assisted with work on the building were the Dialysis Center is housed, while most recently participants at the June Rotary convention of Utah District 5420 assisted with landscaping required for health certification. Additional support has come from numerous donations of equipment and supplies.

Ortega stressed the community of Puerto Peñasco can be sure the Dialysis Center will begin operations shortly, and will not be affected by the change in municipal leadership.

He indicated setbacks to the Center’s opening have arisen from red-tape surrounding the process of obtaining subrogation from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). This will then assure the Center can tend to patients under IMSS coverage. Additional steps are being taken so that patients from the U.S. may be able to use their own health insurance for services at the Center.

Ortega furthered, in addition to equipping the Center, they have also been working on meeting all COFEPRIS requirements which entail infrastructure, roadwork around the building, and hygiene.