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Street Foods in Mexico to Eat and Avoid

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A trip to Mexico is a chance to revel in a unique and beautiful culture while enjoying spectacular scenery and warm, welcoming weather. It’s also a place where you can enjoy some of the most delicious Mexican dishes with some of the best options available in the form of authentic street food. Any visitor to Mexico is sure to come across at least a couple of street-side food vendors during their stay, so which street foods in Mexico are worth trying and which are probably best to avoid?

Street Foods in Mexico You Can Eat:

  1. Flautas are deep-fried tortillas that are filled with either potato, pork, beef, or chicken and often topped with cheese, sour cream, and lettuce. These popular snacks are a must for anyone looking for a satisfying and delicious snack from a street food shop.


  1. Chicharrones are similar to pork rinds and are a common snack item among locals who appreciate the delicious slab of pork skin that has been deep-fried in a pot of lard. They can be found in just about every street food market for good reason: they’re delicious!


  1. A traditional Mexican breakfast snack, tamales are a must-have for anyone looking for a top street food snack. Wrapped in cornhusks or banana leaves and filled with either savory or sweet fillings, tamales are a favorite of locals and tourists alike.


Street Food to Avoid:

Though any Mexican dish when prepared safely and well is a “do eat” to someone, there are some things you’ll want to avoid in general when picking a street food vendor. First of all, choose places that are full of other customers. A bad experience with a particular vendor will cause the word to spread quickly and you likely won’t find many people eating their food.

An obvious tip would be to avoid any street vendors that don’t appear clean. Notice how the food is being stored. Is the meat lying out in the hot sun or are vegetables sitting in dirty water? These are things to look out for.

One of the best things you can do to steer clear of unsavory stands and be directed toward the very best is to simply as the locals. The locals are a great resource for pointing out places that you may not have even considered or been aware of and they can give you a thumbs up or down regarding nearby street food vendors.